Manual Shimming

Manual Shimming: It might be necessary that you need to manually shim your sample. Please follow the process below.

  1. Login to your user name and become “owner”.
  2. Use the “Interactive” tab and load the sample.
  3. Use “Auto Lock”. The sample needs to be locked at a level greater than 600.
  4. Click on the ‘1D” gradient shim button. The sample will perform a gradient shim for about 3 minutes.
  5. When gradient shimming is finished. de select the “Automatic Gradient Shimming” option.
  6. Select the Z1 to Z4 groups and add Z5 and Z6 to the list. Click “fast”. The sample will lock shim the Z1 to Z6 shims and when finished the the “fast” option will not be high lighted.
  7. Turn spin off and wait for 30 seconds then select the X, XZ, Y, YZ option. Add X2 and Y2 press enter and select “Fast” again.
  8. When finished turn Spin on again.
  9. Make sure “Automatic Gradient Shimming” is un ticked and submit sample.
  10. Be patient with this.